Here you go! I finaly made it and... the first test drive was awesome!

More pictures here:
Read my 2 weeks old post below to see how i got a 69-1013TS for $202 total cost.
Hi Everyone!
I swore to myself that i would buy 69-1013TS at the best price, preferably under $200 (i even call diferent carriers and haggle with them on the phone) and i finaly succeded tonight.
I will share with you the secret! First take a look at my invoice:
SKU Description Quantity Price Shipping Total
2595201 K&N 69 Series Typhoon Intake Systems
(Silver 69 Series Short Ram Air Intake)
Vehicle: 2006 Honda Civic 1.8L 4-cyl. engine
Color: Silver
Part: #69-1013TS
1 $207.95 Ships by 08/16/2007 via UPS Ground $207.95
Subtotal $207.95
Shipping FREE
Discount $20.00
Tax $14.57
Grand Total $202.52
So I got it from AutoAnything.
In the serch box type in 69-1013TS and the rest should be easy. If you don't see a discount of $20 after you add to the shopping cart, try to enter 20off and press REDEEM. That should make it work.
Please give me feedback. I can even help you make this purchase. I am so excited!!!
UPDATE: My new MPG is 29. It was 33/34 before the short ram install.
QUESTION: Please look again at this picture below. Not the right angle, but i can tell you that the filter itself it touching that black square thing to the right of the smily face and i am concerned especialy because i noticed that thing gets hot. Please advise! Thank you!